— Intended for and used by - Maltsters, Mills, Seed & Grain Industry

2020-12-21 11:49
Research & Development
infoDo you have an issue you want to solve? Are you interested in other applications than those in use today? Cgrain Value™ offers unique possibilities to develop new quality indexes.
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Malting Industry
infoCgrain Value™ has applications for several defects in barley, such as broken and pink kernels (fusarium-affected) and can be used to check the quality at intake.
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Milling industry
infoGrain mills can use Cgrain Value™ to check quality at intake or after cleaning or heat treatment of the grain.
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Gluten-Free Oat Production
infoWith Cgrain Value™ a higher detection rate of foreign grain is possible than when done manually. In production of gluten-free oats, Cgrain Value™ can be used to ensure quality as well as reducing the effort required to detect foreign grains.
2020-12-21 11:49
Grain Receiving & Trading
infoAs Cgrain Value™ has applications for all cereals, it is very useful for grain dealers and at grain receiving. The instrument can be used in several steps in the process. It is a robust instrument designed to operate consistently even in dusty environments.
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Seed breeding
infoCgrain Value uses single kernel analysis, it is non-destructive and even small samples can be analyzed. Therefore, it is especially useful for seed breeders, particularly in the early stages of the breeding process.